Unfriendly UX

Besides the technicalities of scalability and gas issues, User Experience (UX) is another concern that needs addressing. Despite a growing number of DApps, UX for interacting with smart contracts and DApps leave plenty to be desired.

Let us take signing up for an application as an example. Signing up for Web3 applications introduces a host of intricacies not typically encountered in the Web2 environment. In the latter, users are accustomed to creating accounts with centralized platforms using simple email/password combinations. However, in Web3, users must manage decentralized identities and securely store private keys, which can be challenging for those unfamiliar with blockchain technology. The process often involves interacting with various wallets and decentralized applications, each with its own user interface and security considerations. Unlike Web2 platforms where account recovery is relatively straightforward, losing access to a Web3 wallet or private key can result in permanent loss of funds or data. While Web2 has developed a set of standardized protocols for developers to build and users to interact with websites, the lack of standardization across different blockchain networks complicates interoperability and increases the learning curve for users.

Furthermore, the tangled nature of blockchain wallets as both identity and storage providers poses a considerable challenge for novice users, deterring their entry into the blockchain space. The need to manage multiple wallets as access points for various applications only adds to the complexity, exacerbating the user experience. To overcome this hurdle, it is imperative to design and deliver a wallet solution that can be seamlessly integrated with Web3 applications, thereby enhancing user accessibility and usability.

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