Gasless Transaction

One of the major hurdles for new users onboarding Web3 is the issue of the transaction fee. AIE embedded wallets enhance the user experience by eliminating the need to worry about this fee, making it easier for newcomers to navigate and seamlessly transition to Web3, thereby simplifying the UX and fosters the attractiveness of moving to Web3.

AIE implements the Paymaster contracts to simplify blockchain interactions and enhance the on-chain user payment experience via a self-custodial smart contract wallet. This implementation minimizes barriers for users when conducting transactions through their wallets.

The Paymaster contract serves as an intermediary that handles the implementation of gas payment policies on users’ behalf. It can either cover the gas fee for the users, enabling them to transact through their wallet platform free of charge. Alternatively, it can serve as a crypto-currency conversion service, capable of receiving various digital currencies from users and converting them into the blockchain's native token to facilitate gas payment.

We envision that DApps deployed on AIE Chain will provision their own Paymaster contract, and sponsor transaction fee for their own users.

Conventional Gas IssuePaymaster Solution

Each on-chain interactions necessitates a transaction, which in turn has to be paid for by the user

The Paymaster contract can sponsor the transactions on users’ behalf.

Users are required to pay for transaction fee using the blockchain native token

Users can pay the Paymaster (if the Paymaster chooses to charge the users) using any supported tokens.

Intimidating experience for new users onboarding Web3 applications

Secure, yet intuitive interface for users to interact with on-chain applications.

  • Sponsorship rules

    DApps developers have the flexibility to establish sponsorship rules for their DApps users. In another words, they can define which transactions the paymaster should support, and to what extent. This capability serves to prevent misuse, and incentivize certain in-app activities.

    Available sponsorship options include:

    1. Global spending limit: This limit indicates the maximum gas cost (in USD) that a DApp developer wishes to sponsor in a certain duration (typically monthly).

    2. Server verifier: This feature performs a general-purpose check, allowing DApp developers to set custom rules. Before executing a transaction, it verifies with an endpoint specified by the DApp developers whether sponsorship is warranted.

    3. Contract address restrictions: DApp developer can limit sponsorship to transactions directed solely to a specific set of contracts. Transactions sent to contracts not included in this allowlist will remain unsponsored.

    4. User lists: This feature enables DApp developer to create whitelists or blacklists. Whitelists restrict sponsored transactions to those initiated by a predefined set of known accounts, while blacklists prevent malicious actors from exploiting the DApp developer’s paymaster.

    5. Admin accounts: Transactions from these designated accounts are exempt from any sponsorship rules; their transactions will be sponsored by default.

Last updated